I Have No Idea What Day It Is.

I don't know what day it is. I haven't this whole week. I go throughout the majority of the day thinking it's the day prior or that's it's Saturday.
Is my brain still applesauce? Oh, you betcha. You bet. You betskies.
I think I need to sleep more often. Because as much as I love running around non-stop all day, even eating lunch is done while multiple other things are happening at the same time, I need some downtime.
The other day someone asked me how I was doing and I said, "I feel like I'm running around with my chicken cut off." I wasn't even aware that I had a chicken. I think this is a sure sign that I am beginning to lose it.
I would blame it on law school, but that would be not completely true. Much of this mind-losing is self imposed. Aside from all the law things which take all day (and I LOVE it and HATE it at the same time) I also insist on making beautiful and delicious meals for my cute husband and trying (trying) to make our little home as adorable as can be. I am getting rid of pinterest most prontaseously, it gives me too many ideas and too many standards against which to judge my self. And ain't nobody got time for that.
But today something inside my brain snapped and instead of making dinner, we snagged a pizza(one that was far too big, and I am not telling you how much of it we ate) and we dined in the park on a blanket.
And I forced myself to slow the fetch down. And let the crazy-weird standards of student-ness and master wifery go. And then we watched a silly, sappy, girly movie (the name of which I prefer to never reveal), as we snuggled close. And all felt right with the world.
Slowing down is so delicious. I have a million thoughts swirling around in my noodle, about all the crazy wonderful things that have happened lately: a sweet little baby being born, throwing away the blow-dryer and for once just letting my hurr do it's thang, feeling like I rocked at law school this week (Rule Against Perpetuities, I gotchu), being quiet enough to digest all of that and open up and being able to hold that little infant so fresh from God that I can't help but feel peace, staying up late talking to my sweet husband and dancing to funky songs and buying gourmet donuts, and putting my phone away for a while and just taking a moment to savor how sweet this part of our life is. It's just us, and I like the moments when we are awake really early and we feel like the only people on earth. Or whenever he kisses me he says that he feels like the first person to ever have thought of doing that, like it's our own creation, a kiss is just for us.
No wonder I have no idea what day it is.


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Meet The Authors

We are Mack and Lauren.
Not too long ago we met, fell in love, and got married.
This is what happened after.