General Conference weekend and a week off

What an awesome conference we just had. Mack and I started it off by going out for some delicious pizza a la Slab Pizza on Friday night followed by some thrifting in search of our halloween costumes. Oh, and we got him a new coat at the newly opened H&M that is downright hotttttt on him. Yum. I'd post a picture but I am too busy kissing his handsome face whenever he puts it on to take a picture. But here is one of us being silly on our Friday night date.
We awoke Saturday morning with a phone call from our dear friend Kristyn, who called because she was bringing over some DELICIOUS german peach pancakes, yeah, I KNOW. And she also brought caramel syrup. It was amazing. We feasted both on food and on the spirit as we listened to the first session of General Conference. We both really loved Uchtdorf's talk, it was so down to earth and touching. And we felt that the talk from Sister Carole M. Stephens perfectly addressed the issue of women-getting-the-priesthood.
My stance on that issue, for the record, is that the doctrine of the Church is perfect, but people are not. There are NO doctrinal inequalities between men and women. God is a united man and woman, married for eternity and using both of their traits and gifts in perfect unity. I feel that the temple says that perfectly. (Initiatory anyone???) While there are some cultural differences between men and women in the Mormon culture, (Utah Valley does it best, eesh) there are no doctrinal inequalities. Men and women's roles are different, beautifully and divinely ordained. I don't want a man's role, I have my own. It is more than giving birth, which in itself is beauty defined, it is all the abilities that I have as a woman to bless the lives of friends, family, and children, both my own and others. Brief but there it is.
Back to our weekend. After the first session we drove up to SLC and enjoyed an impromptu picnic with our friends Sarah and Brandon and then we attended the afternoon session in the conference center. Which is only one of my top 5 favorite things on this earth. There is such a special spirit there that I cannot get enough of.
And being there with my HUSBAND was a double blessing.
Then we had dinner together and Sarah and I chatted for hours while the men went to the priesthood session. After that, Mackaroon and I went up to stay at his parents' house for a while. We love getting to spend time with his brother, Wade and his wife, Hannah.
The next day we got to snug a lot and watch the rest of conference and we so enjoyed being his family. I love me some in-laws, cause they are awesome.
After returning to Provo, we did some of this (Mack LOVES it when I tickle him. Just loves it)
And pretended we didn't have school the next day. Oh wait, I didn't have class the next day. This week I have a break from law school classes and I have simply been reviewing and studying on my own. This week is the week it will all become crystal clear, dang it!
It's been so awesome getting to sleep and just enjoy things. Like late night drives and duck faces with this handsome blonde-haired, blue-eyed babe.
And making dinner. You guys, last night I was on one. I made berry cobbler, texas roadhouse style rolls, and pizza puffs. It was a nice night to be a Robins. We stayed up giggling and eating and baking till our sink was too full of dishes to stuff one more in there.
I still haven't done those, by the way. One step at a time, ok?
Fall and October has always been especially magical to me, and being so in love and married to my sweet Mack has only enriched this awesome time of year. Life is beautiful, and the past few days have reminded me of that, despite my current state of applesauce-brain-ness.


  1. Laurs, I love reading your blog!! It's more than just the stories, but the insights and your thoughts. Thanks for sharing. Miss you!



Meet The Authors

We are Mack and Lauren.
Not too long ago we met, fell in love, and got married.
This is what happened after.