Lauren, my home

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When I tell people about how quickly Lauren and I started dating it can sometimes seem really quick. Let me share the almost perfect analogy for why I did. Pretend for a moment that finding a wife is like finding a place to stay, finding a home. For years I had be homeless, it was often cold and rainy and I would spend most my nights in gutters or under park benches. Occasionally I would find a cardboard box to try to hide in to protect myself from loneliness and sadness. But the cardboard would always blow away and leave me in the heat or the bitter rain and snow. There were times when I felt like any house would do, and true I would see a few cute quaint homes, but the doors where always locked, or I would realize that I could not bring myself to live there forever. My coat was worn and there were holes in my paints and I would crawl from gutter to gutter looking for a home.
Finally, I turn this corner one day and there was a mansion that is bigger that I have ever dreamed. It is the most beautiful thing that I have even laid my eyes on. Even at first glance it seemed to be everything that I have wanted and more. My dream home could not compare with this place. In other circumstances I would have been nervous, and I suppose I was but I could not walk by this house, I could not leave this mansion to another man. I walked up to the front door and to my surprise the door was open and there was a servant who knew my name and welcomed me in. I was already impressed with just the first room for it was gorgeous with both natural beauty and also very well decorated. Even the structure and stance of the first room was enchanting to me and made those quaint houses that I did pass seem like dumps, no offense other houses. I soon find there was a hug library where great knowledge is stored. I love how the house was smart and sophisticated. There is even a section of the library that celebrates culture and I cannot stop looking around. Then I find a fun room, and realize that it is not just a room but rooms connected to each other full of jokes and laughs which seem to never stop. I soon found more libraries that hold books about law, and not just any law but books about standing up for human rights. By this time I could see other men walking outside the mansions huge windows wishing they could be let inside. I try to feel bad for the other guys but I have dreamed of a home just for myself for too long and I did not want to let this one pass. I continue to find huge rooms full of passion, joy and love. Finally some old friends of mine stop by to visit. They see how happy I am and decide to ask ‘Are you sure you want to live here? You have not even seen all the rooms.’ I think of the lonely years before, by the time I found this house I was no longer a child, not even a young man but a full adult, I knew what I was looking for and this was better than I could have dreamed. I tell my friends that it is true that I have not seen every room but this is the house that I love and the place where I want to live forever.
One July 25 of this year I bought that house as it were, and I love it more than ever, it is my home and I could never move. I need her, I love her. And I look forward to discovering the many rooms that I have yet to go into and I am excited to grow old here because as long as I am home I am happy. Sometimes have to leave the house to go to school or work, and it is those times that I miss my house so much I often can’t handle it. But I know that this house will be my home forever.


  1. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of heart was put into writing this. Thank you!



Meet The Authors

We are Mack and Lauren.
Not too long ago we met, fell in love, and got married.
This is what happened after.